Musings from some former inhabitants of the sprawling metropolis that is Prudhomme City

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Final San Francisco Recap (Days 6 and 7): Bridging It All Together

by CajunKate

So this is it! The last recap! Finally! Hurray! And YAY! I feel like I’ve reached the end of final exam week or something. Also, I am supremely overjoyed that I will never have to type the world’s longest trip title- City by the Bay Most Excellent Vacay Ever Sponsored by San Francisco Best Friend/Tour Guide Seth- ever again! Now, on to the LAST recap, which will be very short because, as you can tell, I’ve grown weary of this recap business and also because I am incredibly lazy.

On Day 6, we went to church at the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption:

And picked up Baby Jesus:

And pondered existential questions:

And then we went to the Marina to get stunning pics of the GG Bridge, but we got fog instead:

And then we walked on the GG Bridge:

And, in trying to capture the fog whipping across the bridge, I finally figured out how to use the video feature on my camera:

And then we went drinking and eating yummy bratwurst at Zeitgeist Bar:

And introduced Baby Jesus to their world famous Bloody Mary (Is it me or is this shot my “Do not pass GO; do not collect $200” ticket straight to hell?):

And then we drank some more at the Blackthorn Irish Pub and Tavern where we were served by a real live Irish bartender and where I didn’t take pictures. And then we ate the most delicious Chinese food ever from San Tung. Better then any I have had anywhere (and that includes NYC). Oh, spicy peanut sauce with seafood over noodles, how I wish you would move to Lafayette! I didn’t take pics of that either.

And then we went to sleep. Of course, no pics of that.

On Day 7, I said good bye to SF.

Now Baby Jesus and the only thing I bought for myself in San Francisco are back in Lafayette:

Thanks to Seth and Baby Jesus for a great trip. Oh, and to that Alex guy, too.

The End.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very, very entertaining, JB. If, for whatever reason, you ever give up on your life as an educator, you surely qualify as a travel editor.
I am going to try and talk the First Lady into a trip out west next year. Maybe you and Alex might wanna come along.

Oh, did you weigh before and after the trip? Couldn' resist! :>)))