Musings from some former inhabitants of the sprawling metropolis that is Prudhomme City

Thursday, December 30, 2010

On Saying Goodbye

So we held our own version of a state funeral for the Mayor. It was beautiful and amazing and devastating. Our daddy was beloved by so many. It is a testament to the kind of life he lived that so many people came to say goodbye. After the services, we had a huge party because that's what the Mayor always said he wanted- "When I'm gone, I want y'all to have a big party where everyone celebrates my life. " So that's just what we did. And it was beautiful and amazing and fun. Everything he would have wanted.

Until we meet again, farewell to the Mayor... to Poppa Smurf... to Le Grand Chew... to our wonderful and loving husband, Daddy, and Pa-Pere.

A Tribute to Charles Francois Daigle from Kate Mottram on Vimeo.

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